- The PHP Foundation — The PHP Foundation — Supporting, Advancing, and Developing the PHP Language

Description: The PHP Foundation — Supporting, Advancing, and Developing the PHP Language

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We support, advance, and develop the PHP Language What is the foundation The PHP Foundation is a collective established with the non-profit mission to support, advance, and develop the PHP language. We are a community of PHP veterans, community leaders, and technology companies that rely on PHP as a critical digital infrastructure. We collaborate to ensure PHP language long-term success and maintenance.

People and businesses may come and go, so it is vital to ensure that the PHP source code will survive beyond the current contributor base. We wish to contribute to the creation and maintenance of a stable language for generations to come.

The formation of the PHP Foundation was announced in November 2021 and the PHP Foundation initiative runs with the administration whose goal is to find such an organization structure that will ensure a long-term sustainability of the PHP language development.

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