- The News Beats

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The Critical Race Theory (CRT) Allies had developed a serious problem as a result of their phenomenal success.  Their assault division of militia thugs known as Antifa were left without a goal for too long after being instrument in the fraud the changed the outcome of the 2020 Presidential race.  It was the same problem faced by Hitler with his SA, or Brownshirts, after they helped him to capture Germany.  With too much time on their hand, the militia thugs of both parties degenerated into rank depravity; t

Such was Antifa’s expanding, violent role in supporting trans-grooming pedophilia, they would eventually earn the moniker Trantifa in what remained of objective media.  Opposition has even evolved in what may be considered as close quarters.  Tennis legend and lesbian Martina Navratilova has been outspoken over the insanity of forcing women to compete with men in sports.  Then, there is the formation of the organization Gays Against Groomers (GAG) which has compared the medical mutilation children, marketed

We know how it ended for the Hitler’s SA, but without a similar condition of centralized leadership, Antifa would apparently require a different means of dispatch.  There is, however, unbeknownst to the public, quite an ingenious plan in play whereby the more useful of Antifa can be absorbed into what are now the clandestine echelons of the CRT Allies, and the residual can be scattered to the wind.