- Midwestern Eventer

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Midwestern Eventer

Well, It has been over a year since I have last posted and I would love to get back into it again. For those of you on here for the first time, my name is Kate and I am a 19 year old college sophomore (interested in pre-med studies). I have been riding since I was 10. I just again took a break from riding as this past winter was crazy for my health and dealing with a new diagnosis plus college. (See my about and conditions page for more background on my health problems and history) Near the end of winter I

My current summer plan is for me to shareboard/part-lease a dressage or event horse to work on my dressage and possibly show, I am still trying to make my way back to my lesson barn as I still want to do some jumping but I really want it to be slow and relaxed since I don’t want to ruin my knee. I am hopefully soon going to try another horse at the same barn a tried the last horse at. I am also on Job hunt mode and taking one online class to help with my credits.