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In a classical vision of marriage, the husband and wife, together, contribute in their own way, within their own gifts, to the “economy of the home.” This can and may include—of course—income earning. It also means much more: inexact benefits that cannot be quantified in dollars and cents. In Wendell Berry’s memorable phrase, marriage is a “state of mutual help.”

The husband and wife together build a home that is developed into a well-oiled center of meaningful production. Sadly, the late modern vision of marriage is that husband and wife pursue independent careers under the thumb of a corporation, often competing with one another, in order to multiply the funds available so that the home because a well-oiled consumption center. To use Berry’s words, “The modern household is the place where the consumptive couple do their consuming.” 1

More personally and practically and perhaps less philosophically, I’ll speak to my own marriage. The ways in which Mandy helps me are innumerable. I, too, have the joy of helping her and that is the subject of this brief post.

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