- The Language of Localization

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XML Localization Interchange File Format. The only open standard bitext format. This is how computer-aided translation (CAT) tools can be interoperable.

XLIFF is important because managing bitext is the core process in localization. XLIFF keeps source and target aligned throughout all transformations in the roundtrip through the localization process, which should be standards-based, not proprietary.

...continue reading "Term of the Week: XLIFF" Published on January 2, 2019 December 13, 2018 Author David Filip Categories Standards Term of the Week: Unicode 2 Author Ken Lunde Published on December 19, 2018 December 21, 2018 2 Comments on Term of the Week: Unicode What is it? A character encoding standard that provides a cross-platform, uniform, and robust digital representation of the scripts for the world’s languages.

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