- Jesus Today

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T oday, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We celebrate our loving God and God’s desire to reveal himself to us. We pause to contemplate the inner life of God –a life of intimate and loving communion between the Father, Son, and Spirit, a life characterized by a mysterious eternal exchange of love – “the divine romance” as Archbishop Fulton Sheen described it.

The great mystery of the Trinity underscores once again what God reveals to us – that God is love (1 John 4:8), that God’s overflowing love compels God to create us, that God’s love is what breathes life into us, that God extends this love to us generously and unconditionally every moment of our lives.  The great mystery of the Trinity underscores that God loves us so much that God took on our humanity so that we might be saved, that God loves us so much that God desires his Spirit to dwell in us so that we

And all of this reminds us that the Holy Trinity – our God – is not a distant or abstract God, but a personal God who is always present to us, loving us, and active in our lives – a God who has chosen to extend his divine friendship to us, and empowers us to extend ourselves to others. Indeed, we are reminded that to enter into relationship with God and to be one with God, is to enter into relationship with each other and to be one with each other – to love each other, to serve each other, to care for each