- The Influence Expert -

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I ’m a very enthusiastic reviewer on the travel review website, Tripadvisor. You can see my profile here. To date, I have written more than 1400 reviews- and more than 1.3 million people have read my reviews (according to the site’s own stats). If you are interested I also made a list of my top places […]

H ere is a recording from a webinar I hosted on the 30th of December 2020. It includes tips and a practical exercise to get you thinking about how to grow your influence as you enter the next year.

I wanted to share with you a selection of some key content by and about me this year: I’ve started a short podcast series with tips about influence. You can find all the episodes here. I wrote this guest article for freelancers, in the middle of the pandemic, while here are some career tips. There […]