- The Helpful Idiot – Idiots don't have time for cable management.

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Idiots don't have time for cable management.

As many of you (the people who would be interested enough to read this post), I have a number of self hosted services which have become integral to my everyday life. For the most part, I use a wireguard (split) tunnel to access these services remotely from my phone or laptop. However, there are some services, like Nextcloud, for which I prefer public access so that I can access them from any computer. Up till now, I have opened port 443 on my router and forwarded incoming traffic to an instance of Nginx Pro

Initially, I described a solution which required the use of LXC or some full Linux box to install and operate the necessary tools. Recently, however, I repackaged those tools into a couple docker containers, more easily deployable through a docker compose file with configuration done with environment variables.