- The Glass Scientists - Page 05

Description: A gaslamp fantasy comic about the life and times of a ragtag group of mad scientists and their enigmatic leader, Dr. Henry Jekyll.

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I've been sifting through my old college and recent-post-college art in search of old TGS art for Volume II and, among other things, I am finding almost perfect recreations of early scenes from the comic that I had fully forgotten about. There's a few cute Rachel/Jasper moments, as well as some Rachel/Hyde moments (Rachel has the clearest shape language and was featured in one of my student films, so there's a lot of her). What's frustrating is that I've barely been able to find any art of Lucy that remotel

Unfortunately, when you organize your art like I did, a lot of pieces just get lost to time. Don't drop all your drawings in giant, ill-defined Photoshop files with a hundred hidden layers!

Hey! It's literally Christmas Day! Probably the worst day of the year to post a comic update! But here I am because I've decided that I'm not doing hiatus weeks anymore, and also because I don't have time to draw a Christmas drawing! Hi!! If you're reading this on update day, bless you, good sir! And a very happy Christmas to you!

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