- The Future of Mental Health | A resource

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The Future of Mental Health Movement is a movement of inquiry, activism, and improved helping. We want inquiries into:

T he very legitimacy of the DSM (the DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, which is widely used to “diagnose and treat mental disorders”) and, where it speaks to “mental disorders,” the ICD (the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, produced by the World Health Organization)

T he differences between “medications that treat illnesses” and “chemicals that have effects” (not all chemicals should be called drugs) . It is a very important issue of real concern to individual sufferers, to parents of children “diagnosed with a mental disorder,” and to children themselves whether what they are being prescribed are genuinely “medications that treat illnesses” or “chemicals that have effects.” Even if they are only the latter, a person who is suffering might want those effects—but he or

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