- The Ethical Skeptic - Challenging Pseudo-Skepticism, its Agency and Cultivated Ignorance

Description: Ethical skepticism is a pro-science paradigm shift challenging pseudo-skepticism, its agency and cultivated ignorance. Epoché Vanguards Gnosis.

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Synopsis – Exothermic (Cyclic) Core Theory of Climate Change

I read a very interesting study that a friend forwarded to me yesterday, one which piqued my interest in summarizing some of the research I have assembled over the last ten years regarding climate change. My friend forwarded me the study because he was aware of my active research concerning the increase in thermal energy content of the world’s oceans. While the study and several associated headlines were interesting (CNN: “Oceans are warming at the same rate as if five Hiroshima bombs were dropped in every

Yes, it is generally acknowledged by mainstream science and society at large that our planet’s oceans are heating very fast. 1 2 3 4 The result of this warming is an increasingly unhealthy environment for our ocean’s flora, fishes, microbiota, mollusks, crustaceans, and fauna. 5 To varying degrees, this emergent condition threatens everything which lives on planet Earth. The vast preponderance of scientists agree that we are well underway on the sixth mass, or what could be reasonably titled, Anthropocene E

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