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Churches are often full of people—and sometimes, elephants . We've found a number of different elephants in the church that need addressing. It's time we loosened up and talked about the issues that are so often avoided by the church-at-large.

--> National Community Church is ready to roll again . The Elephant strikes back! It is time to throw off the gloves and tackle the issues that everyone thinks about, but never discusses. During this seven-week series, we talk candidly about the issues that plague us, the topics that confuse us and the questions that intrigue us. We believe that something special happens in the course of this dialogue. And we want to share that with you.

We'd love to see other churches push the envelope to encounter different elephants head on. The resources here are free for you to view, download and use. Stay tuned for the sequel to this series coming this year. If you have any questions, contact us .

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