- the Eco Helper | Virtual Assistance for People & the Planet

Description: A virtual assistant business supporting eco-conscious purpose-driven entrepreneurs with general admin, content creation & management, and tech system setups.

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When you’re as passionate about saving the planet as most people are about their morning coffee – or, like us, you’re both! – it can feel rewarding and exhausting at the same time. You’re focused on the big, world-changing picture, but those time consuming tasks are always pulling your attention.

How would it feel to get the virtual support you’ve been craving, all while staying true to your values?

We cross off some of the mundane (yet super necessary) tasks from your to-do list so you have more time to focus on your WHY. Whether you’re blazing a trail in green web design, coaching other ecopreneurs towards their dreams, or supporting ethical biz owners with your own brand of awesome, you’re in the right place.