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Sometimes it can be expensive to try and live an eco-friendly lifestyle. The cost of living crisis is having an effect on us all and its harder to afford sustainable alternatives, organic fruit and veg or shopping at specialist businesses. But there are still ways to be eco-friendly and save money. Years of living as a struggling student has given me some unique insights and I feel like now is the right time to share them…

Skin and beauty products are not only expensive but they often contain chemicals that are bad for both you and the environment. Something I have found to work just as well can be bought in pretty much any supermarket: coconut oil. It will usually be marketed as culinary however this fantastic oil has a lot more uses than that. Coconut oil can be used as a hair mask to help damaged hair, it can be used as a natural makeup remover, as a key ingredient in body scrubs, and all kinds of DIYs! Some shops will try

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