- The Camera and Quill | Muses, Gripes and some Photographs

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V incent van Gogh of the Netherlands and Susan Jeiven of Brooklyn have something in common. They are artists. Where van Gogh worked in oils, however, Susan’s medium is dead mice.

In ads for her work, Ms. Jeiven is described as an anthropomorphic taxidermist, a tattoo artist and an educator. The “educator” label derives from a class she teaches at the Observatory Gallery in Brooklyn, New York. The course, called “Anthropomorphic Mouse Taxidermy,” teaches students to “create and display taxidermied animals as if they were engaged in human activities.”

For a $45 fee, students are provided with all that is needed to create their artwork, including dead, disease free mice. But if you’re thinking of bringing your own art supplies to class, don’t bother. The gallery warns budding anthropomorphic artists, “Please do not bring any dead animals with you to class.”