teyvatselfcare.carrd.co - Teyvat Selfcare Zine

Description: Teyvat Selfcare Zine Carrd

Example domain paragraphs

Teyvat Selfcare Zine Everyone needs a break sometimes 'TEYVAT SELFCARE' is a fanzine focused on self-care explored through the different characters featured in Genshin Impact. We are a split-profit project, meaning half of our income will be going towards our lovely contributors and the other half will go to United For Global Mental Health ♡

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a zine? A zine is a collaborative fan project, in which fans for a certain piece of media or a certain theme come together to create content. It’s comparable to a book or magazine! What is the zine’s theme? This zine focuses on the theme of self-care reflected or practiced by characters featured in Genshin Impact. Will ships be included in the zine? We will keep ships to a minimum and only be allowing platonic ships for this zine. Will this zine include AU content? We will allow AUs to be included i

Links to teyvatselfcare.carrd.co (1)