texasleftist.com - Texas Leftist

Description: A Voice for the Rest of Texas

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Well we made it through 2020 Election Day and yes it’s still a lot to take in. But even as the Presidency is still being determined, this latest Episode of Ingressive Voices takes a look at what, if anything the local data can teach us about Texas turnout. Spoiler Alert: It’s more complicated than the national media is assuming.

Though Texas Leftist has been pretty quiet over the last few months, I have been so pleased to hear from readers who have also become listeners of the Ingressive Voices Podcast. The content on the podcast shares much in common with articles one would find on Texas Leftist, with the added elements of audio thrown in.

But the other day, I was asked by a listener to consider posting transcripts of the Episodes, and I kind of like the idea. Some folks prefer to read along and listen simultaneously. So we’re giving this a try!! Feel free to listen below, AND read along. That way you can even tell when I get off script LOL.