texasconservativerepublicannews.com - Texas Conservative Republican News

Description: Texas Conservative Republican News U.S. Political News, Texas Elections Voting, Texas Legislature, Texas GOP, Michael "David Bellow" Jr blog, Ted Cruz

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Texas Conservative Republican News and National U.S. Political News. Texas Legislature, Texas Election News info and Conservative Events info. Michael "David Bellow" Jr blog posts.

see article online at  www.texasgopvote.com/family/single-mother-kim-klacik-supports-texas-equal-parenting-bill-help-kids-and-moms-0015106

On April 19, 2023,  Kimberly Klacik  walked the halls of the Texas State Capitol. Much like her famous congressional campaign commercial where she  walked the streets of Baltimore  to take a stand against crime and societal ills, Kim came to walk the halls of the Texas Legislature to take a stand to help kids and society and mothers by fighting for equal parenting. Kim has seen how unequal parenting and fatherlessness has so drastically harmed kids and society in Baltimore. She knows that the majority of te

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