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Drew Coats and Gary Evans founded Coats & Evans, P.C. in 1999. Our firm represents clients from all over the world in aviation transactions, aviation disputes and aviation-related regulatory and tax matters. We also provide advocacy solutions in a variety of public, media and governmental forums. Our firm is a member of the  National Business Aviation Association . OUR SERVICES LITIGATION SERVICES Our aviation litigation practice includes aviation-related commercial trial work and aviation tort and aviation

TRANSACTIONAL SERVICES Our aviation transactional practice includes formation of aviation businesses and preparing and negotiating aircraft and aviation facility leases, aircraft purchases, sales and financing, and aircraft operating agreements. Coats & Evans also assists aviation businesses with minimizing the risks of potential future litigation.

Aviation is our business. Coats & Evans not only represents the aviation community, it is an active participant. Coats & Evans uses three aircraft to support its active practice. These aircraft enable Coats & Evans’ attorneys to travel quickly and efficiently to trials, hearings, depositions, inspections and meetings without submitting to the vagaries and risk of airline schedules, delays, routes and security concerns. This capability saves Coats & Evans’ clientele significant legal fees otherwise incurred