testguessandgo.com - Test Guess and Go | Even with testing, diabetes is a guess every day.

Description: Even with testing, diabetes is a guess every day.

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I have completed 15 days of Dry January 2023. Dry January began in 2013 as a campaign sponsored by Alcohol Change UK to encourage people to abstain from alcohol for the month of January. Ten years later the number of participants has grown exponentially and people all over the world are supporting each other for 31 days of avoiding drinking and examining their relationship with alcohol.

Dry January is not really related to my diabetes but like with everything else in my life, diabetes always comes along for the ride.  

There are many criteria for determining alcoholism or at least alcohol abuse. An online search for those terms will give you lots of info–maybe more than you want to know. I don’t think that many others look at me and see a problem drinker and I don’t drink enough to get visibly drunk. But I know that I have been drinking more than the weekly wine allowance for women (7 servings @ 5 oz) and it is a fallacy to pretend otherwise.

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