testfamilygenealogy.net - Test Family Genealogy and History

Description: Dedicated to tracing the descendants of John Test who came to America in 1675, first sheriff of Philadelphia, tavern owner, large landowner

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The purpose of this project is to collect and share information on John Test and his descendants. Frequently described as a a cordwainer by trade, John Test was primarily a merchant &#151 an importer and exporter of goods&#151 who came to America in 1675. In 1683 William Penn appointed him sheriff of Philadelphia. He built a brick house at the corner of 3rd and Chestnut Street and operated an inn at Walnut and Front Street. His inn or tavern is depicted in the painting above. John Test 1651–1706 First spous

1673 John Test and Elizabeth Sanders The Marriage License Allegation Record

June 11, 1675 First Purchase of Land in New Jersey The Malster Receipt