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After more than 60 years of wearing glasses, I had cataract surgery on both eyes in 2021. During my December 2022 visit to my optometrist he told me my eyes were perfect. No more glasses required for driving. It has been wonderful being able to wear non-prescription sunwear and only need reading glasses. The image at left is the new look taken at Christmas 2022. I have already had people tell me they did not recognize me because of no glasses and the goatee…a remnant of the pandemic. I’ve also lost a few po

The pandemic was good for me as a writer. Being limited in outdoor pursuits, I challenged myself to write 1,000 words a day. It proved to be an easy challenge to meet and many days I exceeded that goal in little more than an hour at the keyboard.

If you are a writer like I am, challenge yourself to write every day, whether it is 1,000 words or 500 does not matter. The point is you are writing!

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