terryann.net - The Original Terry Ann

Description: I'm a mom with a camera. We amateurs like to photograph our family, cats, flowers, food and sometimes other things. I've been using computers a long time, with my hands in several early...

Example domain paragraphs

This has been very close to my experiences, too.

In the checkout lane, lots of little things happened. Nearby, a woman entered the store with 3 children, all of them screaming at the top of their lungs. She stopped walking and held the hand of the worst screaming child. When I glanced her way, she rolled her eyes as she waited for the screaming to end. Someone told me it looked like the child might have attention deficit and was over stimulated. My coworker walked over to see if she could help and give out stickers to the children. The other two children

Another time, a man and daughter came through. She said, “You both have the same first name!” I said hi to Terry. We chatted a while. And, as it seems to happen a lot here, the woman next in line said her name was Terry. We thought it was unusual to find another Terry.