terriwindling.com - Myth & Moor

Description: Terri Windling's mythic art blog

terri windling endicott studio mythic arts myth folklore fairy t

Example domain paragraphs

I've been away from Myth & Moor for rather a long time now. There's just been so much going on around here: hard grief after the loss of our beloved Tilly (following the loss of two members of my family in the last two years, both deaths sudden and heart-breaking), a new medical issue to come to grips with (on top of the old ones), deadlines to meet (including one for a Big Project that I can't quite tell you about yet but will be able to soon). This week I'm away from home again, but I'll be back in the st

What I wish for you all is the same thing I wish for me and my family: a calm, gentle, and healthy 2023, with abundant creativity, many fine stories, and a dollop of magic.

Updated in the Comments, Jan. 21.

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