tennentstrainingacademy.co.uk - Hospitality Training Courses in Glasgow Scotland - Tennent's Training Academy

Description: Tennent\s Training Academy located in Glasgow Scotland offers a host of Modern Apprenticeships and ILAs in the hospitality catering industry. Choose from a range of hospitality courses, food services, drinks, management, safety and hygiene...

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During the COVID-19 situation, we have been working with our partners at G1 to review the future of the Tennent’s Training Academy. As Wellpark is a working brewery, we must restrict non-essential access to the site. To ensure the Wellpark remains COVID-19 compliant and fully operational, while protecting the health and wellbeing of colleagues, we have taken the decision, that the Academy will remain closed for the foreseeable future

We would like to thank all our partners, colleagues, students, and customers for the support and commitment shown to the Tennent’s Training Academy over the last 10 years.

please get in touch via our enquiry form .

Links to tennentstrainingacademy.co.uk (1)