temptdestiny.net - Tempt Destiny Experiment - How Football Fans Helped Find Albert Einstein's Hidden Varaibles via the Method of Everything

Description: NY Giants Super Bowl Commemorative Series Led To Empirical Evidence Invalidating The God Theory And Science As Currently Practiced

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Session CCC03: V: General Physics III Presented at APS March Meeting 2023

On March 22, 2023, at the APS March 2023 Meeting , I presented how everyone can test for themselves if the Nobel Prize in Physics for Bell experiments were complete. As publicly stated [ 1 ] [ 2 ], the Nobel Laureates wittingly did not test if the universe is superdeterministic or not as is necessary of any theory, i.e., quantum mechanics, claiming to be fundamental or nonlocal. 

In the letter of intent (May 26, 2023) to Nobel laureate Alain Aspect, I pointed out how experimenter bias (omission error) was played out regarding the Higgs boson assumed discovery. Note, the letter was CC to the members of the Nobel Committee as well. On June 13, 2023, I became aware that the server hosting my peer-reviewed paper that revealed said discrepancy was down. The publisher informed me that their website was hacked and held for ransom. As of June 20, 2023, the journal and my paper are now back