templebethsholomtopeka.org - Temple Beth Sholom

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At Temple Beth Sholom, we believe that being involved and engaged with our larger Topeka community is a core value. We are a part of many interfaith organizations, and even host an annual “Blintze Brunch” (pictured here) for the whole city to come try some traditional Jewish food!

We are proud to welcome Rabbi Samuel Stern and his wife Dr. Caryn Stern to our community. Rabbi Stern has been recognized as a rising leader in the Reform movement by organizations like AIPAC and the Shalom Hartman Institute, which have selected him for exclusive fellowships. You can read his published work in the CCAR Journal and on 929 English as part of the 929 Project. When he is not working, Rabbi Stern enjoys writing, playing and watching sports, volunteering, and smoking barbecue brisket.

Temple Beth Sholom is successful because all our congregants offer their time and effort to ensure our community has everything it needs.

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