temistocle.it - Carlo Mangiafesta

Description: Carlo Mangiafesta is an independent web designer and developer. He collaborates with marketing companies, design studios, foundations, cultural associations, and artists. His research fluctuates between relational art and performance, using design as a critical tool and a means of propaganda.

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Hello, my name is Carlo and I’m a freelance web designer and developer. I graduated from the Arts, Music and Entertainment department of Rome and learned as self-taught the languages and softwares to work with. My clients are mainly design studios, cultural associations, foundations, theaters and artists. Feel free to contact me for any enquiries.

Paros architecture was born in 2017 from an idea by Federico Patacchiola and Eugenia Rolando, on a plane flying between Lisbon and Rome. Architects trained in Rome and Portugal, mainly in the field of interior design and furniture design, making the domestic space their field of exploration and research.

Dynamis is a group dedicated to theater and performing arts based in Rome. For a decade, it has been connecting his activities with various cultural spaces in the city, developing a multidisciplinary interest in research.

Links to temistocle.it (5)