- Community Environmental Research and Citizen Scientists in the Pacific Islands

Description: Participation in science, research, planning, and policy decisions in the Pacific islands.

theatre (6339) awareness (926) consciousness (697) conscious (275) cognition (139) community theater (90) autopoiesis (10) thread of awareness (4) thread of awareness in chaos (2) environmental theater (1)

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Agenda 21, Chapter 40 Information For Decision-making

40.1 In sustainable development, everyone is a user and provider of information considered in the broad sense. That includes data, information, appropriately packaged experience and knowledge. The need for information arises at all levels, from that of senior decision makers at the national and international levels to the grass-roots and individual levels. The following two programme areas need to be implemented to ensure that decisions are based increasingly on sound information:

(a) Bridging the data gap;

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