tedxamsterdam.com - TEDxAmsterdam

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Amsterdam is a city in motion. Its ability to adapt and act for the better is what defines its history, present and future. This is because of the people who inhabit it, the ones who are constantly striving to make a change. Being in this constant state of flux is what makes it thrive. It’s what makes a city act. 

In the spirit of TED’s mission of ideas worth spreading to local communities around the globe, TEDx brings people together to share an inspirational event experience.  Organised by curious individuals from the local community, TEDxAmsterdam features live speakers who seek to spark deep conversations and connections. TEDxAmsterdam is organised independently under license from TED.

Other licensed TEDx events in Amsterdam, e ach organised by another TEDx license holder :

Links to tedxamsterdam.com (3)