tedgunderson.net - Ted Law Inc

Description: Law is very crucial and helps maintain order in the society. By abiding to laws, one makes their environment less chaotic, ensuring that people become more productive.

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Prosperity through law

It’s every driver’s worst nightmare: getting pulled over for DUI. The police officers may be intimidating, and the situation can be scary, especially if you don’t know your rights. Therefore, understanding your rights and what to expect when getting pulled over for DUI will come in handy when the moment comes. Many people often get confused and do not know what to do in such a situation. So to make things clear, here we show you your rights when getting pulled over for DUI.

First off, note that you are not obligated to take the field sobriety test. You have the right to refuse it, so don’t feel pressured into taking it if you don’t want. The only mandatory test is the Breathalyzer Test and/or a blood test when arrested by police. Many studies showed that the field sobriety test isn’t the best indicator of intoxication. Therefore, you should never take the field sobriety test and let the office judge you on the spot.