- Team Rouge

Description: Team Ultimate: Rouge - Team Sonic Racing [OST], Sonic Dream Team - Knuckles & Rouge, TSR Lines Animated Episode 8: Rouge, Why Rouge the Bat is Important - A Character Analysis of Rouge the Bat (Founder of Team Dark)

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Rouge was an English-language Action / Adventure television series from Singapore that ran on both Channel 5 and throughout Southeast Asia on MTV Asia in 2004 (both companies also co-produced the program). The show also ran in Australia (on MTV Australia ) and the United States (on AZN Television ).

The 13-part series follows a Southeast Asian all-girl rock band who are also high-tech special operatives working for a global crime-fighting organization (aptly titled "The Organization"), as they take on a counter-espionage network known as "The Brotherhood."

In Canadian football , a single ( single point , or rouge ), scoring one point, is awarded when the ball is kicked into the end zone by any legal means, other than a successful field goal , and the receiving team does not return, or kick, the ball out of its end zone. It is also a single if the kick travels through the end zone or goes out of bounds in the end zone without being touched, except on a kickoff. After conceding a single, the receiving team is awarded possession of the ball at the 35-yard line o