teachunited.org - TeachUnited - TeachUNITED

Description: Discover TeachUNITED educator coaching programs designed for small and rural schools. Keep teachers feeling motivated and your students learning.

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With a focus on small and rural communities, TeachUNITED partners with you to build the teaching and learning skills of your staff through a world-class coaching program. This training and partnership equips your educators with high-impact strategies to ensure all students can reach their full potential.

Based on extensive research, our program combines proven strategies to improving educator effectiveness: job-embedded coaching, supportive peer learning communities, and actionable learning content. This model ensures that schools and districts can sustain the growth of educators.

Arm your educators with the skills needed to improve their effectiveness and help students thrive, regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status.

Links to teachunited.org (6)