teaandcookiesblog.com - Tea & Cookies - Food, Stories, Life

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People often ask me why I like living in Seattle so much—especially once they hear that I never planned to move here, that it took me nearly three years to decide I would. What made me stay? What is it that I love about the city?

This could be a very long conversation (nature + community + civic values + emphasis on quality of life + libraries + farmers’ markets + boats + independent businesses + did I mention libraries? + parks + cafes and bookstores + European sensibilities + lakes and Sound + mountains + neighborhoods + slight introversion + climate + community, again).

But rather than explaining, I like to give examples that demonstrate what I love about this city. The sort of details that make my heart happy. Daffodil Day is one of them. Daffodil Day takes place every spring, on a day in March. On that day dozens of volunteers from Pike Place Market—including all the children in the market-run preschool—pass out daffodils to people walking by on the street. On street corners throughout the downtown core, they are giving out flowers. To anyone who wants them. Flowers. For

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