- Test-Driven Data Analysis

Example domain paragraphs

Posted on Sun 16 July 2023 in TDDA • Tagged with TDDA , reproducibility

TOMLParams is a new open-source library that helps Python developers to externalize parameters in TOML files. This post will explain why storing parameters in non-code files is beneficial (including for reproducibility), why TOML was chosen, and some of the useful features of the library, which include structured sets of parameters using TOML tables, hierarchical inclusion with overriding, default values, parameter (key) checking, optional type checking, and features to help use across programs, including b

Almost all software can do more than one thing, and has various parameters that are used to control exactly what it does. Some of these parameters are set once and never changed (typically configuration parameters, that each user or installation chooses), while others may be changed more often, perhaps from run to run. Command-line tools often accept some parameters on the command line itself, most obviously input and output files and core parameters such as search terms for search commands. On Unix and Lin

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