- TCLTC | Twin Cities LEGO® Train Club

Description: Twin Cities LEGO® Train Club

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Well, we have the layout moved into our new space; we just need to give it a good cleaning and reconstruct a few spots. We are super excited about having a space totally dedicated to LEGO trains! A big thanks to Dan at Brickmania for generously underwriting the TCLTC’s new home. 

So, we will have an initial Open House this Thursday, April 3, from 5-9pm. Our first Saturday Open House will be April 12th, from 10-4pm. Come on out and see us in our new home!

Well, looks like February just flew by; it’s already mid March! There have been some big changes that have happened to the TCLTC recently about which we are very excited. We are in the process of moving our layout to another space, but still within the friendly confines of Brickmania. It will be called the Brickmania LEGO Train Room, and we, along with the Greater Midwest LEGO Train Club, will set up our layouts there. This room will be primarily dedicated to featuring LEGO trains.