- Taxonomy Strategist | Taxonomy Consultant | Business Taxonomy

Description: Taxonomy Strategies is an information management consultancy that specializes in applying taxonomies, metadata, automatic classification, and other information retrieval technologies to the needs of businesses.

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A taxonomy provides the overall scheme for organizing content to solve a business problem such as improving search, browsing for content enterprise-wide, enabling business users to catalog reports or syndicate content, and otherwise providing the basis for effective and efficient content use and re-use.

Taxonomies represent a predefined organizational structure that can cover a range of subjects from general industries or fields of study to the relevant words and terms unique to the business. They are usually arranged hierarchically, reflect general to more specific relationships and show correlations between subject areas.

Taxonomies also help to provide an optimized map or information architecture that allows users to intuitively navigate content, or directs users to the content the site owner wants them to see.

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