tawonx.com - TawonX - Alat untuk mencari informasi

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TawonX maintains relationships with leading non-profit organizations around the world to learn from their expertise, assist in their missions, and help inform platform policy.

Moderation practices include scanning all content against NGO hash-lists to prevent known child sexual abuse material or non-consensual content, several layers of AI to detect unknown child sexual abuse material, banned terms in multiple languages, AI text moderation, and an extensive team of human moderators dedicated to manually reviewing every single upload before it is published on any platform.

TawonX platforms provide easy-to-use, robust systems for flagging, reviewing, and removing illegal material reported by users. This includes a content removal request form and an industry-leading Trusted Flagger Program that spans more than 35 countries and has over 50 members. Both systems instantly and automatically disable reported material.

Links to tawonx.com (42)