tarahaelle.net - TARA HAELLE

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Journalist | Author | Public Speaker

Tara Haelle is an independent science/health journalist, author, professional speaker, and photographer. With two decades of reporting experience under her belt, her work has appeared in the New York Times, National Geographic, Texas Monthly, NPR, Washington Post, Scientific American, Politico, Parents, Self, O Magazine, and Wired, among others. Her trade work covering medical research and medical conferences has appeared in MDEdge, Medscape/WebMD, and Haymarket titles. 

A former  Forbes contributor , Tara is now a regular weekly  contributor at Medium  and  blogs  at the Association of Health Journalists, where she is the  Medical Studies Core Topic Leader , providing resources and giving talks on responsible journalistic coverage of medical research. Her monthly blog at  Science & the Sea , from the University of Texas Marine Science Institute, highlights short stories about marine life.