tapestryradio.org - Tapestry Radio Network

Description: Tapestry Radio Network is a podcast network of art, comedy, literature, games, and culture. Intermission, the backstage drama, is accompanied by Pokemon Rollout, Michael & Ethan in a Room with Scotch, and others.

Example domain paragraphs

The Tapestry Radio Network is a production of the fine proper gentlefolk of the Tapestry Initiative, committed to finery in art, production, and life.  Each podcast in our network will produce art intended for your ears, Gentle Listener, to bring you something from our fancies.

Intermission  is a monthly audio drama, one which takes place in that secret place in-between the main-stage dramas.  When characters fall silent, when they sleep for fifteen minutes after Act I, what's left?  Where do the characters go?  What do the actors who portray them do?

Everyone gets to be in the audience for main-stage shows, but here we let you backstage, to peer behind the curtain into that space that is hidden from you by the actors, and by those who have things to hide even from the actors....