tanyarohrmoser.com - Tanya Rohrmoser | Writing Marketing Communications

Description: Tanya Rohrmoser is a Canadian writer and editor, specializing in marketing and communications.

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— Pablo Picasso

I love spoilers. Much to the chagrin of those around me, I’ve always needed to know what comes last, well, first. Whether I’m poking my nose about the end of a new novel, scanning a magazine's last pages — you know there’s always a jumble of fun stuff back there — or skimming a synopses some kind stranger left for me online, before I settle in  I take a good run at finding the ending. Chagrin.

Here’s the thing though: once I know what’s to come, what’s left but to sit back and enjoy the ride? I don’t just get to see how the story unfolds, I get to see how the story unfolds . And hopefully it’s done in a satisfying way, with finesse, strong character development, snappy dialogue, and some damn good storytelling. I want to watch the creators put those pieces together — and, what’s more, I want to learn how they do it. So, yes. We know where this is going, I challenge the final page. Carry me. Convi