talon-games.com - CAV STRIKE OPERATIONS

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The row of waiting cadets turned to look as the two Terran officers came around the corner at the end of the hallway, their steps echoing from the walls as they marched toward them. The whispered conversations earlier by the students as to who their instructors might were quickly forgotten as the two stopped in front of the group and the door marked Holo-Simulation Room 6. Read More!

CAV Strike Operations is the all-new version of the classic tabletop sci-fi mecha game for two or more players developed by Talon Games that is easy to learn and fast to play! Set in an ever expanding univerese nearly 300 years into our future, CAV Strike Operations takes its name from the 10+ meter tall war machines that dominate the battlefield (Combat Assault Vehicle).

As a player in CAV Strike Operations , you will be able to choose from a wide variety of models and factions that will allow you to showcase your own style of play and tactics. Model figures are available to represent the men and machines fighting in CAV Strike Operations that a player may choose to collect, assemble, and paint to bring their battlefield to life. Every game of CAV Strike Operations features a multitude of options to ensure every battle is as challenging as it is fun.

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