tallestcloset.com - The Project — Clothing The Loop

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Every second, the equivalent of one truckload of clothing goes to landfill around the world, a fact that often goes unnoticed and ignored. That number can feel unimaginable. Although clothing is part of our everyday lives, the bulk of what we own lies hidden in a space that never sees the light of day; our closets. The number of new clothes we each buy over our lifetime varies greatly on so many factors including geographic region, gender, socioeconomics and wealth. But we roughly estimated that the average

As we normally discard clothing over time, our closets are designed to only hold what we currently use; but what if we could make a closet so tall, that somebody could, in a single instant – look up and see what their lifetime of clothing might look like?

The 9m tall immersive installation was created entirely with recycled aluminum, steel and wood, and housed around 3,000 items of donated clothing. In less than 5 days, the entire structure was assembled at the Mall of Arabia in Cairo by an incredible team of volunteers and CanEX Aluminum . With a vision of building a tangible representation of our personal clothing consumption, the ‘Tallest Closet in the World’ encourages the public to take small steps towards reducing the amount of clothing that ends up in

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