talismanshops.com - Talisman Shops Handmade Jewelry

Description: Handmade Heirloom Quality Artisan Jewelry - Designer Cabochons • • April 5, 2024

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For a long time now, ever since I began selling my woven wire pendants actually, people have asked for “smaller,” “simpler” and/or “silver” designs. I’ve been so often told “I really love your work, but do you have something that is…(insert one of those words?”).

As an artists working with a specific set of materials, it’s been painful. At the start, wire weaving was new to me and I was truly enjoying the creative experience. I understood why someone wanted “not copper,” and I made woven sterling wire pieces hoping to accommodate them, but it hurt when I knew what they meant was “not wire weaving.”

Eventually I, too, began to understand why wire weaving wasn’t as attractive as a pendant set in a simple metalsmithed setting. What drove it home for me was when I read, somewhere on an internet discussion forum, that “wire weaving is for those who don’t know how to work as a metalsmith.”

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