swldx.us - K2SWL DX Blog | K2SWL & Evil Elvis's LF/MF/HF/VHF/UHF Radio DX Blog

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After a few years of having obtained the Technician license KM4PBQ, I finally began operating on December 23, 2020 after receiving the vanity call sign K2SWL. After having lots of fun with digital modes and making over 300 QSO’s on 10 meter FT8 by mid-January, I took the test for the General License which I passed on January 18, 2021 and began operating HF on January 20 after receiving verification from the FCC.

As of August 1, 2021, I have worked 185 DXCC entities with 174 verified via LOTW and paper QSL. I applied and received the ARRL Worked All States certificate on January 25 and DX Century Club certificate on January 28, and am close to earning 5 Band Worked All States, only needing Alaska on 80 meters.

I finally bought a new scanner and am slowly scanning all of the QSL cards that I have received this year. They are being uploaded by the post-date that I received them and I have quite a large stack to catch up on.