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I love being back at work. I had a bit of a hormonal swing around day 4 though. I was enjoying work, but balling at my desk and couldn’t quite pinpoint why. I think it had a bit to do with work stress, but mostly that I was panicking about being away from my child and whether or not it was worth it. Tears are probably going to happen and that’s totally normal. I worked out my new balance and my boy only goes 4 days a week and I took my holidays to get Fridays off and my husband takes him Fridays when he’s h

I realized I didn’t need to pump as my boy was just nursing at wakeup, after breakfast, afterwork and before bed and then one night time feed. He was getting enough breastmilk and doing well with solids and dairy during the day. Our daycare provides two snacks, lunch and a togo baggy for the car ride home, which probably would be the biggest struggle for me since I barely get a lunch packed for myself with my husband working out-of-town. For meal planning, I have an annual subscription to the Jillian Michae

Starting at around 10 months, I lightly sleep trained (still picked him up if he was actually crying) once he was calm I stayed in the room laying on the ground and patting his mattress to get him to learn to lay down and fall asleep without nursing to sleep. He had been doing daytime naps in the crib since 4 months. At night time if he was still awake but just messing around, I’d do restorative yoga until he finally fell asleep. My husband also figured out how to put him down for daytime naps, so the baby