- Violin Lessons Manchester - Susie Mészáros

Description: Violin lessons Manchester, viola teacher -Susie Mészáros, prof. Royal College Music London, RNCM Manchester. Violist Chilingirian Quartet. In-person and online

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I'm Susie Mészáros, professor of violin, viola and chamber music at Royal College of Music , London and tutor of violin, viola and chamber music at the Royal Northern College of Music . I coach young professional musicians and chamber groups.  I'm based in Manchester. I offer violin and viola lessons to amateurs , professionals and students  in Manchester, London. I teach youngsters. I offer violin lessons online and viola lessons online. Yehudi Menuhin with Susie Mészáros pictured for an Observer magazine

My teaching includes the The Y ehudi Menuhin School , where I taught for 4 years until I joined the Chilingirian Quartet. I also studied at the Menuhin school  from the age of 9 until 18.  I taught 9-16 year olds at the Purcell School , London from around 2008 until moving to Manchester, in 2016. Purcell School is Britain's oldest  music  school.

I coach chamber music for quartets and offer string quartet workshops.