- Subway Community

Description: Episodes Production The series was renewed for a fourth season of 13 episodes on May 10, 2012, Gang, Meet Subway | Community, "Subway, I Love You!" | Community, Stopping Subway From Buying Greendale | Community, "Who Were You Before You Were Subway?" | Community, Community - Subway's bread buns, Honda Obsession - Level 7 Susceptible

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In England and Wales , the Republic of Ireland , Hong Kong and Commonwealth countries such as India , South Africa , Australia and New Zealand , a subway is normally an underpass for pedestrians and/or cyclists beneath a road or railway, allowing them to reach the other side in safety. Subways may also be constructed for the benefit of wildlife.

In the United States , as used by the California Department of Transportation and in parts of Pennsylvania such as Harrisburg , Duncannon and Wyoming County, it can mean a depressed road undercrossing.

Subways are less common in North American cities than in European cities of comparable size. They are constructed when it is necessary for pedestrians to cross a railway line or a dual carriageway such as an interstate highway , and they appear at the exits from underground rapid transit systems , but one would be rarely built to enable people to cross an ordinary city street. When they are built, the term pedestrian underpass is more likely to be used, because "subway" in North America refers to rapid tran