- Stuff Expat Aid Workers Like

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If there is one thing on which today’s Expat Aid Workers unanimously agree, it is the need to be and look ready for any environment. And by “any environment” we specifically mean the kinds of places where you can be hardcore , take selfies with war junk , and possibly even see burqas . In other words, large, complex humanitarian crises, where the possibility of having to actually run with your Quick Run Bag (QRB) is higher than in a “development context” of yesteryear.

Now of course many EAWs are famous for creating their own fashion . But in such environments (in the “Kevlar Belt”), it is critical that the EAW present him or herself in a way that says “put together, but prepared.” Because irrespective of whether or not things turn dark at that checkpoint just up ahead, no one wants to look like the weak link on the team.

Thankfully there is a line of apparel that can help even the least seasoned EAW look like the real deal: Tactical gear.

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