- STUDIO TERP – information graphics

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STUDIO TERP is a one-woman information design company. I create data visualization and infographics to visually guide audiences through challenging data that otherwise would be difficult to understand. And while the message remains top-priority, I also strive to bring aesthetics and novelty into a project. Insight and clarity are guiding principles, but I aim to explore unconventional solutions and new approaches so as to broaden audience’s horizons.

Wish to learn to effectively bring data to life with creative shapes, colors, and layouts? In the course that I created for Domestika, the online creative courses platform, I give you the tools you need to transform data into captivating illustrations using colors, shapes, and images. Discover how to collect and analyze data sets, as well as how to transform them into a unique poster that tells a story. Ready to create your own data art? Subscribe here

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